Friday, April 03, 2015


Just a few questions lingering this morning.

1.  Why does the Mayor Berry jump quickly to fix idiocy at the Animal Services Center but let fester for so long the APD mess?

2.  Why aren't super tolerant young people voting to stop legislatures like Indiana and Arkansas from passing religious based discrimination laws?

3.  Why when I get my new annual Bernalillo County property tax assessment does it always go up my the maximum allowed by law?

4. Why does it matter which APD officer launched the fatal bullet into that homeless guy when both of them were blazing away at the man?

5.  Why do some people think a line on a map should determine who might be the best new APS school superintendent?

Just asking while in a pollen induced coma.


  1. Your property taxes go up by the maximum amount allowed because 3%/year isn't enough to get them caught up to where they need to be. As a neighbor who just bought into the neighborhood (and had the property tax for 2015 go up 50% as compared to 2014 - and is not paying 50% more than comparable houses on either side), that 3% cap is a killer.

  2. the end of that comment above should read "and is _now_ paying 50% more than comparable houses on either side" as opposed to "and is _not_ paying 50%..."

  3. Jim the fast talking,while his nose grows, Alcalde has not fixed anything at animal service. The idiot is still in charge as the "cover up" is well under way. Same old same old buissness as usual, with more of our tax dollars spent Defending Imcompetance!!!!

  4. Re:

    2. Why aren't super tolerant young people voting to stop legislatures like Indiana and Arkansas from passing religious based discrimination laws?

    That question is even richer in irony than it first appears, I think. There's the matter of young peoples' tolerance itself. Are they really all that tolerant?

    Are they voting their values? Are they voting?

    Also in there is the question of whether young people are being portrayed accurately by the media.

    There's an ongoing explosion of media outlets, that has to do with the internet and how cheap and easy it is to get something up and running. Coupled with the decline of traditional media it has had the effect of diluting the quality of media. Some pretty hair brained ideas get circulated pretty quickly, and maybe the notion that there's been a big shift in tolerance among young people is one of them.

    I'd just add that the elephant in the room, as they say, is that not that many people, young, old, straight or gay, vote at all. Only when there's a presidential election does turnout get over 50 percent, and then just barely most of the time. We have a governor and mayor who were selected by around 10 or 15 percent of New Mexicans.

    Most people think, or have been led to believe, that's there's not much of a choice, that both parties are for someone besides them.

    If you started seeing Democratic politicians at rallies and demonstrations and leading marches up Central Avenue and walking picket lines, people would know there's a reason for them to vote. As it stands though, there really isn't one.
