Thursday, June 25, 2015


Adjacent  stories in the Journal this morning were somewhat funny to me.  The lead story was about a better system for deciding whether to adopt out dogs that have shown a vicious streak.  Apparently assessments being done by the people at the city animal control center are arbitrary.  Now there will be put into place an independent group to make the decision.  Experts are required.

The story next to this is about the Bernalillo County Commission giving a final approval to the horrendous Santolina development.  The contract the majority on the Commission voted for ties the hands of future leaders and it sets up the taxpayers for a train wreck down the track.  This vote was also arbitrary, but in this case no one has asked for an independent group to make decisions.  In fact, there were attempts to limit debate of dissenting Commissioners Maggie Stebbins and Deb O'Malley. Apparently experts in urban planning and sprawl were not required.

Lets hope that the ABCWUA folks will make some decisions that involve the wisdom of this development when they decide what kind of water service to hand out.  Perhaps they could call in water experts and urban planners to write contracts that make sense.


  1. AnonymousJune 25, 2015

    Jim did you notice that Riordon towed the company line by saying that he did not read into the findings what was revealed. What ? The findings are what they are and what was asked for,now Mr Riordon (and the merry Berry, Perry brigade don't agree)and Babs finds it helpful!!! WTF But wait we the taxpayer can't read the findings because of pending litigation. If so how come the defendants read it?? This is what happens when lawyers and wanna be lawyers run the city. You can't make this shit up!!! Where is slip and slide Gilbert when we need a more baffling explanation?

  2. AnonymousJune 25, 2015

    I'm glad to see they've taken care of traffic congestion. I was worried that putting 90,000 people on the West Side might affect what is already stop and go morning and afternoon I-40 traffic, but to address that they've required them to create some jobs in that area -- 300, which according to my calculations accounts for three tenths of 1 percent of the 90,000 people.
