Thursday, June 11, 2015


Mayor Berry and his Chief Administrative Officer Perry are living in a parallel universe where the State Auditor, City Inspector General, and common sense are something to be ignored.  The sweetheart deal between the former Police Chief Ray Schultz and Taser International has been pretty much found to be tainted.  But all Berry and Perry can do is say everything was done properly.  Even city councillor Dan Lewis, a wannabe Mayor from the right, can see through this and he deserves some credit for being vocal about it.  Probably what should happen at this point is that some people be put on leave or dismissed.

The Pilot and Gunner on a federal government so called "Wildlife Services" airplane died while trying to kill coyotes from the air for ranchers in the Raton area.  The sad loss of life once again just points out that this ridiculously named agency has outlived it usefulness in killing for ranchers.  Another subsidy really.  I feel bad for the families of these men who died carrying out very bad policy.  Maybe our Senators Heinrich and Udall could just put in a budget amendment saying this agency should no longer work in New Mexico.


  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2015

    Perry should never be allowed to comment or be involved in any investigation into the Taser contract. Why? Because Perry was in on the deal! Perry signed off on the contract! He is up to his eyeballs in this dirty deal.

    Funny we had Berry Public Safety Director White resign because of his illegal actions with his wife and a possible dui. Ray Schultz retires amid tens of millions in lawsuit payouts and the DoJ investigation into his abysmal management of APD. Now comes the final part of the unholy union, Rob Perry. Who, as CAO, never managed Schultz, never managed White and is now actin more like a defense attorney than a CAO for the city. I believe the future is going to hold that Rob Perry will be resigning soon, he is up to his eyeballs in the Taser pay to play deal and at some point in time Susana is going to tell Berry to get rid of Perry. The perfect trifecta of bad leadership. White, Schultz and Perry.

    Remember 2011 when all three held the "defend Darren White" news conference. What a mess Richard Berry has made of this city.

  2. AnonymousJune 11, 2015

    It is time for someone to file an LEA 90 complaint with the New Mexico Law Enforcement Board regarding Schultz and his illegal pay to play deal. The Law Enforcement Board will investigate and possibly terminate or suspend Schultz's law enforcement license. This is appropriate. You can download this form at

    Cross out reporting agency and write in Civilian Complaint. Attach Kellers audit, the OIG report and the City audit. This week Hector Balderas stated at the NM LEA Board meeting that ALL citizen complaints will be investigated. I believe every citizen of Albuquerque should do this, flood the LEA board with this complaint. Take back our police department.

  3. AnonymousJune 11, 2015

    Let us hope the Feds or AG Balderas do the right thing and convene a Grand Jury on the TAZER contract and secure indictments for the Government Corruption that has gone on. The ethically challenge Rob Perry sounds more like a criminal defense attorney when defending the TAZER contract. Perry as CAO signed the Tazer contract and knew what was goin on and yet Perry had a say in whether the Inspector General's report should be released which is clearly a conflict of interest. Yet the Journal keeps covering for Perry and Berry.

  4. AnonymousJune 11, 2015

    And isn't Perry a member of one of the boards that is involved with hearing the Taser report? That's like a coyote in charge of a hen house. A La Modee.....

  5. AnonymousJune 12, 2015

    Jim have you read the language that Perry is referring too as related to " working for an agency doing buissness with the city" ? When I retired from the city it read can not work for any agency currently doing buissness with the city for one year " not as long as you don't do buissness " with the city. If it does now read as long as you do not do buissness with the city, why write such a meaningless ordinance? Perrys defense of Ray Ray is laughable and furthers the suspicion that knew what Ray was doing and probably encourage him .

  6. AnonymousJune 12, 2015

    Would love to see Perry as defense attorney for the city. He talks so much shit he would be caught in his own lies in the first five minutes of his opening statement. I say let him do it !!! He can't tell the same story twice. Sad part is we the taxpayer are gonna pay for all this malfeasance.

  7. AnonymousJune 12, 2015

    Perry is crooked. Hector Balderas needs to investigate Rob Perry's actions. Then Perry can be his own defense attorney
