Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Watch the Vote

The Bernalillo County Commission will vote today on whether to let the huge Santolina development on Albuquerque's West Side move on to the next phase.  This phase would be to drain the taxpayers in the region by subsidizing development of a very questionable sprawl development that no market really can support for a long time to come.  The pie in the sky projections of thousands of jobs at the development is nothing more than a lie concocted by corporate vampires and their local lawyers.  Remember who votes to move this forward and you will know whose ethics have been compromised.

Meanwhile, in Dona Ana County, the Santa Teresa area has become very successful in using its proximity to Mexico to develop trade and transportation centers along the border.  This project has taken 30 years of hard work.  It was originally envisioned by one man, Charles Crowder, who could see the future there and made some things happen that set up today's success.  He has pretty much been forgotten, he wasn't a perfect man and sometimes controversial, but he could see the value of the border in economic development terms.


  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2015

    Ultra Right Wing Republican Commissioners Lonnie Talbert and Wayne Johnson no doubt will vote to let the Santolina Development go forward because they both thrive and rely on Republican big money to run their campaigns. Wayne Johnson cannot run for re-election and is said to be eyeing the Mayor's race, presuming Berry is not running. Johnson will want to make sure he gets the Economic Forum, NAIOP and the Chamber money to run for Mayor.

    It is Commissioner Art De La Cruz that is the most ethically challenged of the five County Commissioners and he always seems to vote his own bests interests when there are big dollar developments involved. Art De La Cruz cannot run for re-election and don't be surprised if it comes out after the vote that he has some very strong connections to the Santolina Development.

  2. AnonymousJune 16, 2015

    Nice to see someone pat Charlie Crowder on the back. He was a cagey wheeler-dealer, to be sure, but talk about pursuit of a vision. Santa Teresa wouldn't be there if not for him, which certain politicos and business types forget as they claim credit for what's there now. Search the Journal online archive and you'll find almost no reference to him beyond his brother's obituary. From the speeches I've attended and the news accounts I've read, I don't think Gov. Martinez has ever mentioned his name even when it would have been appropriate and generous to do so.
