Monday, July 13, 2015


Well, as if I don't have enough critics already, now I will antagonize some allies.  Vote against the sales tax hike to provide more money to the Albuquerque Bio Park.  It is a regressive tax and the poor will pay much more of their portion of the costs than the rich.  This additional money should come from the capital improvement funds that are supported by the property taxes we pay.  That way it isn't the poor and middle class being stuck with the bill.  Zoo supporters are collecting signatures to put this issue on the ballot, and it will probably pass because most people really don't understand how this particular tax is so harmful.

I do support the additions of more funding for the Bio Park.  But not with a gross receipts tax.  There, I took a position.  Unlike the Mayor and most of the City Council who have not stuck their necks out on this issue.  The Mayor is probably being advised two ways on stating a preference.  One, if he is for it then he is for more taxes.  Not a winner amongst his right wing supporters.  And if he doesn't support the tax he will get Albuquerque's large demographic of animal supporters up in arms.  I mean who can come out against furry creatures at the Zoo?

So, what is a person to do?  Why nothing of course!  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain....!


  1. AnonymousJuly 13, 2015

    That Tax is needed because there is no leadership. I agree that you are dealing with an regressive tax, but it may be the only way to get the Zoo up to where it should be and make the necessary repairs to keep it viable. The tax is needed because our elected officials refuse to lead while the zoo deteriorates. Berry even has admitted there are $12 million in repairs needed now, but he refuses to make it a priority and will never support a tax. The zoo tax is for 10 years with a sunset clause.

    The quarter cent quality of life tax passed in the late 1980's was one of the best and most visionary action ever taken by the Albuquerque City Council over Mayor Schultz objections. It to was an regressive tax, but it funded the construction of the aquarium, the botanical gardens, the children's museum, the balloon museum and the acquisition of critical open space in the foot hills of Albuquerque. It was to have also funded a performing arts center but there was a public referendum that voted that one down. The quality life tax sun setted after 10 years. I can not imagine Albuquerque today without all the projects funded by the quality of life tax passed by the City Council and without a public vote!!!!

  2. AnonymousJuly 13, 2015

    I see the last commenters points about no leadership. The poor will pay much of this tax while not being able to afford to pay for tickets to get in to the facilities. Pass a mill levy to take care of this through the property tax. That is the fair thing to do.

  3. AnonymousJuly 13, 2015

    No to Increased Property Taxes! They are Regressive. They are Not based on the ability to pay and are an unacceptable burden on those with a fixed income and those who have lost their income. This is one thing that some Progressives never seem to get. If you like property taxes to support local government, then move to Texas.

  4. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    Property taxes are not regressive. The more property you own the more you pay. Our property taxes are very low in NM, which is a good thing, but the gross receipts tax is very harmful. Soon it will be at 8%. Think about that.

  5. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    Businesses benefit from the biopark and from all those things that make Albuquerque a nice destination and should pay for them. I'm not in favor of any regressive taxes. I'm not in favor of zoos, really, even when they're disguised as bioparks. I was at a zoo once and saw a wolf trotting back and forth in front of a masonry wall. Back and forth, back and forth, all day long. I imagined it had gone psychotic.

    To be fair, though, we tend to project ourselves into whatever animal we're thinking about. I might go psychotic if I had to live in a small confined area or a cage, but who knows. Maybe an animal in a zoo thinks, 'Man, I got it made. I got shelter, companionship, I don't have to hunt all night and then half the time find nothing and have to go hungry. I get clean water, great food, and all I have to do it lay in the sun and dream.

    We really don't know what they're thinking, but there's one thing that's true of almost any animal: If you leave their door open, they're gone.

    I'm a little concerned that the biopark is one of the top five water users in this area. I forget what the other four are. Car washes?

  6. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    Agreed! NO to sales tax. Fund this another way.

  7. I'm with you, Jim. Gross receipts tax is the wrong funding method for just about everything!

  8. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    So just a thought Jim, the Bio Park Society is an independent group that was formed to raise money for the park. How come No one has asked its high paid director how much " new" money she has collected in the past seven years? I don't mean the money that is donated by regular donors, I mean how much has she gone out and got for the park that was not already being donated. You might be surprised that it is less than her yearly salary and the salary of her employees. This is why she is behind the tax increase. She has done nothing to raise new money. Same donors , same fund raisers( with less and less being donated) . So why exist if only to collect a pay check!!!

  9. AnonymousJuly 14, 2015

    Why don't they sell naming rights to Wise Pies for 12 million for the next 20 years and then issue some bonds that can be paid off with the revenue stream?

  10. AnonymousJuly 16, 2015

    To argue that Property Taxes are Not Regressive is like arguing that the sun does not rise in the East. No, it is Not based on how much property you own, but on where it is located and how it is evaluated. Think the North Valley as an example. If you live in an area of increased evaluation, like land speculation for example, you pay more tax but your income has Not increased. Lose your source of income or have a severe expense and you pay less income tax, less spending so less sales tax, But property taxes are due and payable in Full or Else. So what if your property is worth more, only way to realize it, is to sell it. And, yes, several people have had to do just that. Again, anyone who thinks property taxes are the way to fund local government should just move to Texas.
