Tuesday, August 04, 2015


Police Chief Gordon Eden said on the stand yesterday in a court appearance that he had not read the incident reports regarding the gunning down of a homeless man in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains last year.  Did anyone take note of this?  Can it really be true that he has not read these reports of one of the most infamous police killings in the history of the City of Albuquerque?

Would not any leader of a police department be interested in studying these reports?  Is he that much of a failed leader?  How can the Mayor and City Council not demand his immediate resignation, or are they failed leaders too?  I am beginning to think they are.  Berry should fire him, or he should resign.  It would be best all around.

And then there is Governor Susana Martinez.  She is possibly a worse person than that lion killing dentist who is commanding the airwaves and newspapers, and she is getting away with it.  Under her guidance the Game and Fish Commission has approved the highly inhumane trapping of mountain lions in this state.

 This alone shows her lack of common sense and decency when it comes to the wildlife of New Mexico.  These traps inflict an excruciating death upon these indigenous creatures.  When will she get the attention she deserves for being inhumane.  A very poor leader indeed.  She is actually the one being lead around, by the cowboys and big game killing for profit crowd.


  1. It's time to fire Eden. His testimony was an embarrassment. What law is he quoting that doesn't allow him (as the chief) to review reports on an officer involved shooting at 17 months? There isn't a law. He is just playing stupid because if he has to testify everyone would know he is stupid.

    One other comment, remember his JUSTIFIED press conference? Well if he wasn't allowed to read the reports, just how did he come to the conclusion that the shooting was JUSTIFIED?

    Eden is lying and it's time for Berry to fire him. Oh what am I saying, Berry won't do anything.

  2. That's amazing. Hey chief, do you know what you're in court for? No.

    Maybe he's illiterate. I've seen no proof that he can read or write. I knew a guy who was illiterate when I lived in South Carolina. He'd just hand you something and ask you to read it for him and say he'd forgot his glasses.

    Someone could hang out at city hall in the morning when the chief comes in and see if he parks in his own parking place.

  3. Berry can not fire Eden he was put there buy Gov Martinez and Jay Mcklesky

  4. Of course he has read the reports.. He is being advised by the powers that be to say he hasn't SO HE DOESN'T HAVE TO ANSWER CERTAIN QUESTIONS.

    If he hasn't read the reports HE'S AN IDIOT...
    If he has read the reports HE'S COMMITTED PERJURY.

    Either way he HAS TO GO....

  5. Speaking of the governor, Google announced today it's moving its Moriarty based drone plant to California.


    California is known as a state of high taxes, high regulations and high union density. Maybe the governor and the legislature didn't supplicate themselves sufficiently. Perhaps if they'd eliminated taxes altogether or offered to wash Google executives cars.

    The Albuquerque business journal reported this but didn't ask the governor about it. Like the Journal.

    And about this trapping of animals, if one of these big animal rights groups gets this in their sights it will mean a lot of bad publicity for New Mexico. They have pictures of animals who have chewed their legs off to escape from those traps.

  6. But the Flag was taken down in Old Town so that is sure to solve all the problems in the City.

  7. You truly can't make this stuff up. Eden has read the police reports and the Chief's office got involved in the investigation, risking compromising some of the evidence. We all know he is a dishonest idiot and needs to go. But he is part of the "Republican Mob of Thieves." They are tearing down this state, and if any Democrats get elected, all the blame will be placed on them in the upcoming years. It is time to get the hell out.

  8. Denver is looking better and better, except for the damn snow.
