Tuesday, September 22, 2015


It is laughable that the Governor and her GOP handlers hate government spending so much that they work to screw New Mexico's one good card in the economic game.  Federal government spending, that is.  ATA Aerospace of Albuquerque just scored a half billion dollar contract to work for NASA.  That  one contract is probably larger than all other business investment since the Governor and Mayor of Albuquerque took office six years ago.  And yet they ally with the anti government spending folks.

Last week before we left for Martha's Vineyard, Bobbi and I decided we would buy a new car for her when we returned.  We had settled on a Diesel VW Golf SportsWagen that would be better for Bobbi's frequent trips to Fort Collins, Co.  Then we get the news that the company is not to be trusted because they have lied to their customers and government regulators about the amount of emissions these cars are putting out.  The VW executive team should spend time in prison.  The fact that a CEO of a peanut butter producer was just sentenced to 28 years in prison for knowingly selling bad peanut butter that killed and sickened hundreds should have the VW folks worried.

Maybe the time of extreme greed in this country will start to decline if more of these so called industry leaders are put in jail for their crimes.  Scrutiny should be aimed at oil, gas, coal and mining interests in this country.

Have you noticed how GOP Secretary of State Diana Duran's crimes have now taken second fiddle to democratic legislators bad campaign reporting?  The Albuquerque Journal has successfully morphed this into a problem for democrats.  Sure, these dems need scrutiny too, but their screw ups seem much less criminal than Duran's, who is actually in charge of making sure campaign laws are followed.  


  1. Did you say a Repulican committed a crime!!! Wow I thought only the Dems did those kind of things. No wonder Waltz is hiding under his journalistic throne. He is probably searching the archives for dirt on Bill and Bill. I bet Waltz is hoping one of his up and coming Cubs has a pic of Susie in her Jump Suit so he can lead with what a great accomplishment the "jump for cash" was.

  2. Item from the Santa Fe Reporter

    ABQ Journal Admits It Used SFR Reporting in Front-Page Story
    September 21, 2015, 10:00 am

    By Julie Ann Grimm

    While New Mexico continues waiting to learn who will get permission for new medical cannabis licenses, the state's largest newspaper is fessing up that it used SFR's reporting in a front-page story without giving us credit.

    Investigative reporter Peter St. Cyr tracked down applicants for the licenses through a database at the secretary of state's office when the state Department of Health refused to be transparent about their evaluations. His story, Green Rush, revealed the names of some famous New Mexicans and out-of-state pot prospectors who want in on the industry.

    But when the Albuquerque Journal ran its own version of the story the two days later, it didn't acknowledge the real source.

    An item that ran in in its "For the Record" section on Saturday, Sept. 19, says the attribution to SFR's "earlier findings" was "inadvertently edited out."

  3. The primary corruption in our city and state is the Journal and Kent Walz. Nothing it/he does would surprise me. I am surprised that other media outlets haven't made the situation their story. He only backs and supports politians that do as he says. Now, that's a real kick; he is running the show without being vetted, campaigning and being elected by the tax payers. What a gig! That is why things are so bad. He couldn't find his rear end with both hands, but he'll extend it, expecting others to kiss it. Only in New Mexico!

  4. How ironic that the person in charge of voting in NM Diana Duran will not be able to vote in the next election because of the crimes she has committed .
