Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hype Machine

Here is the bio that Governor Susana Martinez's neocon handlers sent to the Republican party in Hawaii.   How much is true?


  1. Susana is in Hawaii while Berry (AKA NERO) fiddles and watches Albuquerque burn to the ground.

  2. You know it's all BS if she is not wearing Denim. LMFAO!!

  3. It is not so much of what is true about Martinez, but far more important what lies Jay McClusky can get people believe about her. With the Republicans imploding nationally, Martinez is not likely to be on the national ticket as Vice President or in a Republican cabinet. Martinez will now turn her sights on first term US Senator Martin Heinrick. Given Martin's lackluster performance so far, and with the money she will be able to raise, she will have a better than even chance to take Heinrick out and be New Mexico's first Latina US Senator because the New Mexico voters will once again vote against their own best interests or not vote at all.

  4. Heinrich will have no problem, because at the end of the day paid advertising will do what the media hasn't done, and uncover the disastrous economic meltdown of NM under Martinez.

  5. And exactly what has Heinrich done to help the New Mexico economy? Also NOTHING> Yeah, Heinrich will get re-elected because he is a clone of Jeff Bingaman. Heinrich will keep getting re-elected, he will serve 24 years just like Bingaman, and when he leaves the Senate, no one will ever know he was even there having accomplished very little, just like Bingaman. I will vote for Heinrich knowing Martinez would be a disaster in the US Senate.

  6. Martinez must really be self loathing. She's in Hawaii while the Hispanic GOP caucus is in Boulder warning the national ticket to stop denigrating Hispanics or else. She is silent and nowhere to be found. I guess our Governor has proved once again she only cares about $$ and could care less about our state, our people and our heritage. Quick better arrange a photo op with some kids. New Mexicans let's not be fooled again and get out and vote.
