Friday, December 18, 2015


What is the velocity of a beer bottle thrown off a Santa Fe Hotel Balcony attached to the Governor's Room?  Say 5th floor?  Can some physics major tell me what that would do to a skull of an innocent bystander?  And this was her bad news day along with NM being listed as having the highest unemployment rate in the United States.

Disgraced Secretary of State and Governor's buddy Diana Duran should thank fate that this happened as she will have been moved off the front page and lead TV News story as she is perp walked into the Santa Fe County jail.  Gee, it is almost like it was planned by McCleskey!    And, was it a New Mexican craft beer?


  1. In the phone calls she sounds intoxicated. Still acting like the bullying
    Persecutor she is.

  2. Listening to the three 911 calls to the Santa Fe Police really reveals what an arrogant, vindictive little bully Governor Martinez really is and how she is always on the offensive. Immediately she identifies herself as the Governor of New Mexico, demands to know who filed the complaint, and totally denies any wrong doing by her group, saying she has been in the room for two hours. What is interesting is when she says six people were in the room eating pizza and drinking cokes with her disabled sister and also says if anyone did throw bottles off the balcony, it happened six hours before. How would she know if she was in the room for only two hours as she claims? Who were the six in the room other than her sister? Why did she even make the call herself other than to throw her weight around so that she could find out who complained and go after whoever filed it? The blessing in disguise is that she destroyed any chance she had of being on the National ticket or in the cabinet and Martin Heinrich has a great TV and radio ad he can be use.

  3. The audio tapes of an inebriated sounding Susana Martinez talking to Santa Fe police dispatchers consist largely of Martinez trying to get out of them who reported her loud party, even demanding to know at one point. That's significant.

    It's understandable that she'd want it hushed up, but that's not what she spends that time talking about. There's no hint there of accepting any responsibility or trying to find out who was throwing beer bottles off the balcony, or even of promising to tone things down, which a rational person would see as the way out of a predicament like that.

    She just keeps pressing the issue of who reported it. Imagine if one of the child abusers Martinez brags about prosecuting took that attitude. She'd be all over them, charging them with extra crimes if she could. Trying to intimidate a witness is serious. And without showing some kind of contrition they'd never get parole. Never.

    Trying to intimidate reporters and public servants who have brought her shortcomings to light is how's she's governed. She's not interested in rectifying anything, forget about the law, forget about common sense. She wants to know who to go after. She wants to handle things the Martinez way.

  4. Oh Susanna as a former Procecuter you should have shut the _ _ ck up. Next time eat some bolagna sandwiches Before you drink and throw your sister under the bus. Hears a tip Susanna. " en boca cerrada no entra mosca"

  5. Let's get the lapel camera from the officers after Susana hung up with dispatch. What did she say to the officers?

  6. Interesting how the story is being spun: "New Mexico gov apologizes for staff’s conduct at hotel party"
    ...“Unbeknownst to the governor, there had been complaints about noise and someone throwing what turned out to be snowballs from the balcony of that room earlier in the night while the governor was in the ballroom,” her spokesman Chris Sanchez said.
    Martinez learned about the complaints and then went downstairs to assure hotel staff that those who caused the disturbance had left long ago, Sanchez said."

  7. Martinez has since claimed 'nothing that I said or did was as a result of any alcohol'

    So you were sober, by declaring your title, you were acting in an official capacity, and as a sober official, you abused the 911 system, presented conflicting information regarding illegal and violent conduct, were seeking names of those who called the police on you for pssible retaliation or witness tampering. The abuses of power by someone acting in an official capacity should be enough for us to demand her resignation.

    I would imagine that the competent people running the Democratic Party would recognize this, an swiftly call for her to resign.

  8. What was in the room that Susana didn't want the officers to see? Maybe those snowballs were of a different variety.

  9. With all the bad press the State of NM has been getting lately??? We all know this will make the news, isn't Susanna on one of the guys running for President short list as running mates?????? Holy Crap. Imagine if she goes to Washington.

  10. Susana made sure she intercepted the police officers before they got to her room. She didn't want them going into the room she was in, why? I agree with the comment, a different kind of snow being blown off that balcony. Time to drug test the governor and her staff.

  11. I really think the OLd White Boy's Club (AKA the GOP) really were praying for a reason to not let a brown woman be on their ticket. This helps them out. And Susana, you're a lawyer for gosh sakes, what were you thinking? Better Call Saul and shut the f**k up:

  12. Susie call your old friends, the license plate readers and put them on " the who called the cops " case. Now maybe the non believers will see your True Colors.I bet your old security guard job isn't looking too bad right now,
