Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Here is the reality.  There is not much the Governor or Mayors can do to staunch the slide of oil and gas revenues into the state.  That includes the royalties which are a payment for  the actual oil or gas taken from public and trust lands.  Prices are totally out of their control and are set by world events.

But what can be done is some serious work on economic development other than new taprooms and donut chains.  And still, there is nothing being done in the way of investment in the basics by these leaders.  Mostly I am thinking about higher education and access to it.

Last night on Channel 13 most of the news was about Donald Trump and drivers licenses.  But there was one short meaningful story about a bill in the legislature that  would redirect funds from alcohol taxes away from student lottery scholarships.  This is the dumbest damn thing that  could happen.  It would force more kids out of universities.  This is incomprehensible from the standpoint of building a diversified economy.   Of course, a republican is behind this.  Rep. Jason Harper wants the money sent back to fighting DUI in NM.  But, lets face it.  The  payoff on keeping kids in school is much better that the typical GOP flag waving on fighting crime.  For them spreading fear trumps higher education every time.

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