The big news in NM is the story out of Roswell that a cheesy rendition of a flying saucer that was stored behind the UFO museum was stolen. My advice is not to spend any public funds on getting it back, What is needed is a new improved faux flying saucer. Since the oil patch is in bad shape the only claim to fame down that way is the museum and a little investment there would be fitting.
Just like a little investment in a real economic development strategy could be used in Santa Fe. Do you think the Governor or her minions have thought much about that recently? Hopefully, they have stumbled on the fact that fossil fuels are on the way out and that renewables are the future. Do they have a strategy on that? Has she appointed any public/private partnerships to start thinking how to take advantage of this trend?
The Albuquerque Journal did a long editorial on the lack of progress and finger pointing over tasks mandated to make the Albuquerque Police Department function properly. Not once did I see the name of the Mayor in the opinion. No, the Journal is blaming the Department of Justice's monitor. They are killing the messenger.
Just like a little investment in a real economic development strategy could be used in Santa Fe. Do you think the Governor or her minions have thought much about that recently? Hopefully, they have stumbled on the fact that fossil fuels are on the way out and that renewables are the future. Do they have a strategy on that? Has she appointed any public/private partnerships to start thinking how to take advantage of this trend?
The Albuquerque Journal did a long editorial on the lack of progress and finger pointing over tasks mandated to make the Albuquerque Police Department function properly. Not once did I see the name of the Mayor in the opinion. No, the Journal is blaming the Department of Justice's monitor. They are killing the messenger.
The Berry Administration is setting up the Monitor so they can say he is the reason no progressl has been made on policy so they can ask that he beh removed