Saturday, March 05, 2016

We Are Next

This WaPo Article shows what New Mexico will face when Susana Martinez leaves office.  The Louisiana former Governor gets all the heat while the American Corporate forces that pushed for the tax breaks get away with murder.


  1. Jindal skipped out of town ahead of this calamity and can lie low somewhere among whatever rich friends he has left while the survivors wallow in the mess he leaves behind. La Tejana, on the other hand, will be in office ducking and weaving for nearly two more years (assuming President Trumper doesn't tap her for Secretary of Whoopee). She better really enjoy her next Christmas party, too, because the rest of us will be getting lumps of coal and looking for windows to throw them at.

  2. Michelle MeadersMarch 05, 2016

    "The Louisiana former Governor gets all the heat "

    Who is he, and what does that has to do with New Mexico?

  3. michelle, did you read the story?

  4. Any heat applied to Jindal is well and truly deserved. He destroyed Louisiana's public education and healthcare systems so he'd pass muster with people who care nothing for Louisiana or her people.
    (Though it must be said -- they did elect him twice. You'd think they'd learn from the first time around.)
    And after all that fiscal carnage, he still failed miserably in his quest to become President.
    Too bad the state and people of Louisiana have to pay for his delusions of grandeur.

  5. Michelle MeadersMarch 05, 2016

    Sorry, I overlooked the link. Now that I've read the story, you can remove my first comment. Should have known the post was too short to be the whole story.

  6. Republicans...destroying the USA one state at a time. My goodness, when are people going to wake up to what they are doing?

  7. Brownback's "trickle down miracle in reverse" in Kansas comes to mind as well.

  8. I suppose the Washington Post is putting Jinahl out to dry now that he has flopped as a face-of-diversity GOP candidate. Yes, and the next governor in New Mexico will be a Democrat and he, or she, will be blamed for the NM economic mess by Republicans who promoted the incompetence of Susana Martinez. Hello, New Mexico, why do you vote for incompetent leaders? We should have had a strong alternative energy program in place by now, but instead we got the usual fossil energy program and see where it's taken us.
