Monday, April 04, 2016


The media continues to make a big deal out of many District Court Judges in Santa Fe recusing themselves from the Senator Phil Griego corruption case.  They seem to be trying to intimate that the recusals are somehow corrupt themselves.  But in fact the recusals really show the Judges are ethical and honest in dealing with the case.  The fact is they are recusing because there may be an appearance of a conflict of interest.  Yes, in the political arena of Santa Fe they all know the Senator or have some past communications with him.  And for  that very reason they are acting as they should.

Mayor Berry is in the ABQ Journal today with a kid to promote 'Lemonade Day' as an entrepreneurial event.  And that is the big economic development news in ABQ this week.

This all occurs as response times worsen for 911 calls to the ABQ Police Department. One wonders if APD can ever be fixed.  The current elected office holders from the Mayor to the City Council seem to be totally ineffectual in dealing with the situation.  And frankly, the Police Union is overplaying their ranting on more and more pay raises.  That is just a part of the solution.

The whole mess can be symbolized  in the recent letter of congratulations from Chief Eden to the Police Lieutenant who shot up a fellow officer during a drug bust.  The congratulations was for the Lieutenant's marksmanship trophy from the firing range.  The letter went out after the shooting.

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