Thursday, April 14, 2016


How can reporters who works at the ABQ Journal feel when they see the front page of his news paper  every morning?  Like today for instance in which the Journal Editor Kent Walz puts a picture of our failed Governor at the top of the fold and says the GOP world has put a spot light on her.  But then, this is the party of Trump and Cruz and in someways befriending her to those scary folks might be appropriate.   Maybe the GOP should put a spotlight on her state's economic plight and job situation.

Meanwhile,  at the bottom of the fold the reporter Lauren Villagran has an emotional story on the death of a mother and her children.  It is almost a metaphor for schizophrenia in a newspaper.


  1. Hello Jim, have not read paper but I heard that Susie stated she was a " little girl from Las Cruces". She is so full of herself she forgot she was a little girl in EL PASO. Guess she did not want to be too close to the immigrants she despises so much. New Mexico True Colors que no Susana!!

  2. Feels bad, man
