Tuesday, August 23, 2016


The Albuquerque Journal wants the state to start executing certain people again.  Kind of like they have executed fairness in Journalism.  They have fallen into the anger zone.  The editors and publisher are cheering for killing, when it is pretty much settled policy that capital punishment deters none of these crimes.  And, why is a police officer or child's life worth more than a working mom in a convenience store who gets  gunned down by a meth addict seeking money for their habit?  You see, the Journal thinks, like many ignorant citizens, that only some lives are important.

This state, under its current political leadership and right wing media, continues to pursue everything that  is wrong.  We are so out of step with progress that our future as a great place to live is in danger.


  1. Yep, pay no attention to the crisis behind the curtain.

  2. anon, that sound neurotic

  3. Your basis for assuming a citizens life is "less" than a child''s or police officer's is based off of what? Sentence enhancement??

  4. could you be clearer in your question? As I see it the proposal does say a citizen's life is worth less because they didn't wear a uniform or were young. It reeks of injustice. and yes, I am against the death penalty

    1. I get that you're against the death penalty. I am too. But I'm just trying to understand the basis for your conclusion that a cop's or kid's life is worth more than other persons in this scenario.

  5. Killing another human being is wrong unless it is done when defending one's own life or the life of another person.
    In a state that is facing a huge budget crisis why would we even consider reinstating the death penalty which is extremely costly to enforce? Increase the gas tax, fix the roads and bridges, and put people to work. Consider a 3% to 5% cut to any state government employee making over $60,000.

  6. you lost me on the pay cuts for people who make over 60K in state government. That makes no sense. Are they immoral? say, compared to someone who makes 59K? Once again, just like the death penalty supporters, you single out certain groups for persecution. You have a wondrous double standard.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Ad the mother of a murder victim I agree-
    killing someone for killing someone is immoral. And ALL lives are sacred.
    More relevant is fixing the lame 6 yr limit for going 2nd degree murder charges- NM is the ONLY state with this loophole . It's an obstruction to justice.
    Several attempts have failed in the Legislature recently, so media and government energies and focus should be directed at correctingthis mistake ASAP!.(Last session there was no exposure or support from Journal or other local media)

  9. OK so here we go again another child is killed by the hands of a parent. All you bleeding hearts actually believe that the three involved deserve to live?

  10. The cuts for people making over 60k is cuz they are lees likely to be union. Don't think the union people can be cut. Or just furlough everyone a few weeks and see what that does.

    Murder of that little girl in Albuquerque yesterday actually makes you rethink death penalty. If anyone deserves it , then those animals do. I hope they are pointed out to the regular prison population when they get there.

  11. Kind of thinking why they want death penalty on cop killers and kids. I think the thought behind it is that it takes the most dangerous predator type criminal out. Anyone willing to hurt a kid is beyond help. Cops are here to protect us all. I get it that there are rogue cops, but I would argue that the large majority are damn good people risking their life daily for our safety. Killing a sanitation worker does not endanger the rest of us as much as killing a police officer does.

  12. Do cops protect "us all"? Is "our safety" the only or main reason for people risking their lives? What about the Value given by doctors, nurses, teachers, clerks at convenience stores and, yes, even sanitation workers. I am just as sure that most of them are "damn good people". Do any of them endanger us as much as a "rogue cop", or more to the point, those law enforcement agenies that are rogue?
