Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Envision a skull and crossbones over Susana's face.  She is turning a much needed special session into a culture war bereft of ideas and solutions.  Yes, she wants to put the death penalty on the call.  She is unfit as a leader.


  1. What a waste of time, money and opportunity to do something positive for New Mexico.

  2. Bring back the death penalty............. You go girl.

  3. Jim , that ia a great picture of our national treasure. The notorious New Mexico Boa Constrictor!

  4. I found this in an article by Radly Balko today:

    Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.) told the Wall Street Journal, “It’s just not a good way to do legislation, to exploit some terrible thing that has been done to some child.” Too many bad laws have been rashly passed by legislators who were just trying to avoid looking callous toward a crime victim.
