Thursday, January 12, 2017


Okay, the hipsters have a candidate for Mayor of Albuquerque.  State Auditor Tim Keller, a strong contender, threw in his hat yesterday.  His news release had the term 'burquenos' in it.  Bleaahhh.   And he seemed to say his priority was reforming the Albuquerque Police Department.  I hope that might be a 2nd level priority, because any candidate who goes crime all the time is missing the real issue in this election.  That would be steaming up the jobs so at least a few young people remain in the region.  I like Tim, but he will have to do better than this to win.  I think he has it in him.

We sent and saw a great movie last night.  "Hidden Figures" is about African American women who used their incredible math skills at NASA to launch America into space.  All done amidst racism.  All I could think about was  the fact that we will have trump as president in the next few days.  And we know how he has set the tone for Mexican Americans.  It is damn depressing.

1 comment:

  1. Soy De Burque! Orale bro! Go Keller!
