Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Monday Night Murder

I was producing the news and anchoring the newscast at Channel 7 on the night of the Saturday Night Massacre when Nixon fired all of the Justice Department and Special Prosecutor people who were investigating Watergate.  What a night!

It was not a massacre last night, just the murder of a career U.S. Justice Department official named Sally Yates.  She had the honor of standing up to the trump/pence/bannon triumvirate.  We should all stand up courageously as she has done.

Of course, 40% of the American population still sees trump and his minions as infallible.  I am at a loss to see how that changes.  You can't kill stupid.  Perhaps the only thing that would hurt him would be the release of his income tax returns.  We all know what they will say .  We now need a brave IRS clerk to serve his country in an honorable way.  But Hurry!

1 comment:

  1. Yates should have fried Jay McClesky when she had the chance.
