Thursday, February 16, 2017


The Legislature is halfway to nowhere.  Thirty days left in the session to present crucial bills that our ideologue Governor will veto.

The federal government's immigration enforcers are halfway to becoming the regime's Gestapo.  Way to many of them are doing it willingly.

The Governor and Social Security Administration are halfway to making it impossible to get a drivers license renewed in New Mexico.  I know, I am trying.  Since my SS card is laminated I have to get a new one and they wont let me do it online because as a 71 year old retiree I am not verified.  WTF?


  1. Jim ` I also have to get my DL renewed each year. I have my original SS Card, but several years ago I put yellow highlighter across the statement "NOT TO BE USED FOR IDENTITY PURPOSES". I wonder if I'll have a problem with that!

    PS-Wasn't this extra proof nonsense touted by Demesia Padilla, disgraced former Tax & Rev Director who desired honesty? LOL

  2. If they didn't do it that way there'd be a foreigner driving around with your license and going to your bank and cashing your retirement check on his way to use your club membership to tee off at your tee time. It happens all too often.


    SSA-1099 will also work.

  4. Halfway to nowhere, halfway to impossible. Update: we've arrived.
