Wednesday, September 20, 2017


The ABQ Journal statistics on how our residents feel about crime was predictable.  Horrendous grades for Judges. They also rated the DA, the Chief and Officers.  The Officers got the best rating.  Strangely, the Mayor and City Council were not given grades on how they were handling things.  Although I am sure there will be numbers coming on the Mayor in the next few days.  Like the Governor's numbers, they will probably be in the tank.

Today I signed up for the VINE program which will notify us when the car thief found driving our meth infused car gets out of the County Jail in Luna County.  Supposedly he will be there for another year.  He is a repeat offender but a plea bargain got him 18 months and a promise of years in the state prison if he commits any more crimes.  I am told the County lockup is worse than the state pen.  One can only hope.

The VINE Program is a great tool.  When Roberto Aguirre of Albuquerque gets out, at least we will be aware of it.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, my car was stolen 3 times last year. My grades are:

    Judges B+. I have served on petit juries recently, and I perceive that even the judges I didn't particularly like are doing their best to follow the law and respect all parties.

    DA: INC. They are underfunded, and although the new DA has made some missteps, it's unfair to saddle him with Kari Brandenberg's baggage.

    Chief: F

    APD: F

    Officers: B+ to F. Quality and caring varies widely. Some are excellent, but hampered by being understaffed and unsupported by the brass. Some are mailing it in, and some kill civilians for kicks.
