Tuesday, September 26, 2017


The latest FBI crime stats provide more grist for the mill in the Mayor's race in Albuquerque.  This comes as Mayor Berry says he is handing over a growing economy to the incoming Mayor.  Well, he might be right after almost eight dismal years in office with no economic program in evidence, along with do nothing Governor Martinez. About the only ones doing really well are the car thieves in NM.  Car thefts doubled in just a few years.  Those cars, like the one stolen from me last March, are headed in caravans for the border.  So, I suppose one could say that is bringing new money into the state.

Having said all that I want to thank Mayor Berry for his service to the city.  It is a tough job and every decision will upset someone.  And the criticism is severe since everything is localized.  I would say his only huge failure is the Police department.

Its bad enough taking abuse from anyone who hits a new pothole in the road, but to sit there while the parochial City Council endlessly gets away with poor performance is like watching trump give a speech.  Endless nausea.


  1. Pete DinelliSeptember 26, 2017

    Jim: Did you see the absolute tragic irony in the front page Albuquerque Journal? On left the Mayor giving his last state of the city address proclaiming fiscal responsibility as his legacy as he gazes upon the adjacent headline "FBI: Crime up sharply in ABQ; Murders increased 41.8% violent offenses rose 15%." Instead of his buddies at NAIOP giving him a standing ovation they should have asked him to fire Chief Eden so that the new Mayor can get a jump on cleaning up the mess Berry created during the last 8 years. Two months before leaving office he asks for more funding for the DA.

  2. Only huge failure is APD? What about fART?

  3. I just voted yesterday, and although I really did not want to vote for my City Council member because he voted for ART, I felt I had to because two very unqualified and questionable people were the only ones running against him. We need better candidates!
