Tuesday, September 12, 2017


One of the things that bothers me about the Albuquerque Sick Leave Ordinance that is on the ballot is  when it comes to overall fairness in the state.  Yes, I want people to get sick leave.  But it should  be an equal access issue for all New Mexicans.  One wonders whether the residents outside of ABQ will ever see such a benefit if we pass it here.  It would be up to the legislature of course to pass a statewide law providing for such sick leave, but if ABQ has it already, does that lessen the chances of it ever happening for all residents in the Land of Enchantment.  Does it water down the political effort needed to pass a state wide sick leave policy?  Maybe.

I have often thought of Mayor candidate Brian Colon as the "Pelosi of New Mexico."  He is a long time money raiser and political operative who is always on the scene.  But from what I read in the Journal this morning he cant live up to Pelosi's toughness on taking a stand.  His reported mumbling of support for gun rights during a debate on crimes committed with firearms left me a little confused. Maybe he should clarify his stance.


  1. Sick Leave measure does need to be statewide deal if at all. If it passes in Albuquerque, watch all the businesses that relocate to Rio Rancho and surrounding areas if they can reasonably do so. Restaurants won't move but construction companies and others who provide services at other than their headquarters will move. Quite honestly government really has no business mandating benefits to private business. If someone does not like that a business does not provide benefits to its employees, then they should not do business with them.

  2. Pelosi of NM. That is a good one. Brian is smart and he is running a smart campaign. He is one of those guys that tries to please everyone with his promises. Then he will line the pockets of his true homies when he wins ala Bill Richardson.
    The cash advantage and Balderas popularity are going to pull him through. Keller may have bitten off more than he can chew this time. He is a nice guy. Nice guys do not finish first.

    1. Yeah, Brian Colon's relationship with Bill Richardson should win him a lot of votes. Not.

  3. Brian had no relationship with Big Bill, who had chosen an odious payday lobbyist to be State Chair.

  4. Brian and Hector came on the scene under Bill. He would have never been Chair of Dems and Hector never State Auditor without the approval of Bill.
