Thursday, September 14, 2017

Stone Age Education

Is it possible that Christopher Rosznowski, Governor Susana Martinez's new Education Secretary is attempting to roll back science education by removing any mention of evolution and climate change in the state's Science Curriculum?  Also that they are removing the language from the curriculum that says earth is 4.6 Billion years old?

Is this all aimed to please the creationists?

Will the media start asking questions of the Governor and her appointee?  I know that the organization known as the Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education is concerned about these changes.  This Albuquerque group is a pretty good watchdog on these matters.  Here are their main points.

*  These standards with the changes are scientifically unacceptable.  They appear to be politically motivated, and that does not belong in the classroom.

*  These standards will result in very bad publicity for the state that will hurt any chances we may have of business expansion for any companies concerned with our public education system.

*  These standards will make it harder to attract good scientists to current businesses.

*  A change in standards of this magnitude requires money and time for training, curricula creation, acquisition of classroom materials, standardized test creation and payment, etc.  Where is the money and time and implementation planning?

*  And whatever else you can think of.

The People of New Mexico have two National Research Labs.  It should not allow such nonsense to be inserted into our schools.

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