Monday, October 23, 2017


The Albuquerque Journal's take on the candidates in their Sunday edition was a good read, even if they were trying to damage Tim Keller's campaign by pretending the Sanctuary issue is a big deal for voters.  The report was enlightening however in the contrasts it revealed in the Keller/lewis election battle.

I am trying to understand why lewis is trying to make the case for 'breaking up' the Albuquerque School System.  Could that be code words for segregation?   Put all the poor and brown kids in one district? And, all the white and more affluent kids in another district?  Because at the end of the day that is all that would result from the breakup.

It won't save money and it won't improve the overall underfunded education of our kids.  Period.  Yes, APS needs some reforms, but a dissolution of the system is silly.


  1. Maybe he thinks, as conservatives do, that smaller admin divisions would be more efficient. I strongly disagree, but that is the default position for conservatives.

  2. Actually breaking up APS is a good idea. It is too big and wastes too much money.
