Monday, April 08, 2013

Albuquerque Mayor's Race

I was surprised that Pete Dinelli collected all those $5 contributions to get him public financing.  It showed some organization and cohesiveness to do it.  I am not sure who helped, but my guess is the Union folks did.  There is nothing wrong with that since the corporate boys and right wing Chamber of Commerce will be with Mayor Berry.  It was also a cheap way for the Union guys to help a candidate.  Now they wont need to pony up any money now that Pete has his pubic financing.

He will most assuredly be greatly outspent.  That could spell disaster for the ability to get in the public's face.  All Berry will have to do is outspend the former Marty Chavez ally by having independent pacs and others do a job on Pete.

Still, there is a way to victory for Dinelli, but it might be pretty much out of his hands on designing such a path to a happy election night.  Events that can't be foreseen, such as in Councillor Michael Cooks case, can alter the political process quickly and with finality.  It could just be something that Mayor Berry and his managers can not foresee.  But right now, I think the odds are 4-1 for Berry.  But that could change overnight.  And, my odds making really don't work well.  I didn't think Pete could get the  required thousands of  $5 contributions.  He deserves some respect on that accomplishment.

1 comment:

  1. On 3/30 a sterling Fluharty wrote in the NM Compass about Dinelli's shortfall of 700 $5 contributions:

    "Assuming he works 12 hours a day, including over this Easter weekend, he will have to collect a contribution every three minutes to reach his goal."

    I don't think Albuquerque could survive another Martin Chavez. It would cease to exist as a place on the map. It would just be a subdivision with some lame name or another.
