Sunday, April 07, 2013


Governor Martinez, probably at the behest of her oil and gas supporters, vetoed a Photo Voltaic array for the Capitol Building parking structure in Santa Fe.  The legislature voted for it.  It would have been the right thing to do, but she would rather support fossil fuel consumption and their corporate tax breaks.  This is the kind of leadership that will literally cook New Mexico. It is shortsighted and stupid.

The Albuquerque Journal did what they always do in their edition today.  Instead of putting a picture of former GOP Governor Gary Johnson on the front page story detailing the ripping off of the state on his much vaunted financial deal  on construction of the 550 highway to Farmington with the Koch brothers, they inexplicably put a picture of Governor Richardson on the front page.  Richardson had absolutely nothing to do with that project between  the extreme right wing Koch boys and the highway department.  Richardson did refinance the bonds later on, but that is standard practice.  This is a perfect example of why you can not trust the Journal to report fairly and accurately their stories.  I will bet you a million that the editor forced the picture of Richardson on to the front page.  Well, it wont matter in another ten years.  This newspaper wont be around anymore if circulation continues to drop as young people turn to other avenues for news in ever growing numbers.

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