How do you make a corpse out of a corporation? The right-wing supreme court has said corporations are people. And these people are destroying America by the tax cut, funding of right-wing politicians, denying decent healthcare to citizens, and interference in nurturing a strong middle class. They are enemies of the people.
So how would one go about doing away with a corporation by assassination? Is there a way to do it? I think not unless wholesale slaughter is visited upon the executives, boards, and stockholders. So, is a corporation even a person? Well the GOP thinks so even though there is no way to kill a corporation to protect the public health safety and welfare.
This is where the ultra-rich have taken America.
So how would one go about doing away with a corporation by assassination? Is there a way to do it? I think not unless wholesale slaughter is visited upon the executives, boards, and stockholders. So, is a corporation even a person? Well the GOP thinks so even though there is no way to kill a corporation to protect the public health safety and welfare.
This is where the ultra-rich have taken America.
you pass a constitutional amendment clarifying that money is not speech, and that corporations are not people. See HJR 48, sponsored by Rep Nolan, and cosponsored by over 50 others.