Friday, December 01, 2017

Damn Journal

The Journal just had to rag on Mayor Keller on his first day in office.  And they did it in an editorial that singled out an accomplished young Latina Woman, Oriana Sandoval as a scapegoat of some sort for being involved in human rights work.  They said her appointment was baffling.  Baffling?  Why?  Because she is Latina and believes in social justice, immigrant rights and environmental protection for the most vulnerable?   The Poor.  Because she has worked for a non-profit?  Because she is a highly educated woman of color?

Editor Karen Moses, Senior Editor Kent Walz and the Lang family have stooped to a new low.  That is what is baffling.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing that rag writes should surprise anyone. They ceased to be a legitimate source of news years ago. It's fox news in print, and just like trump, they're writing for the base of racists, bigoted republicans who hate anyone that doesn't look like them and just can't handle progress.

    They have to know that their days are limited. I live up in the NE Heights and have for 28 years, and what I've seen is an area that is changing to more and more Democratic voters. Those white people that the republicans and the journal could rely on for votes and to sell that paper to are either being moved to assisted living, smaller homes, or have passed away. On my street there are only about 4 of the original owners still here, the rest have been sold or rented to families that are Hispanic, African American, and even a very nice Muslim family. Only 1 of them is white, and they are teachers who are Democrats. So maybe the journal won't be out of business in a year or two, but I think it's coming, the sooner the better.
