Tuesday, August 15, 2006


We spent the day cruising down I-25 from Albuquerque to El Paso. We stopped in Socorro for lunch and then got on down Truth or Consequences in Sierra County.

We had coffee with County Democratic Party Chairman David Ferrell and Vice Chair Jan Thetford. Dave is an artist who lives in Hillsboro and Jan in a therapist in T or C. They are really nice people who are deeply concerned about the direction of the country and environmental issues.

On the way down today we saw massive thunderstorms. We passed by Arrey Derrey where we met up with Sandy Jones and part of his flood control crew. There was severe flooding, especially in the Hatch area where traffic was prohibited from exiting the freeway. I had hoped to get pictures of the chile harvest, but that was not occuring today. Please God, protect the chile.

Sandy is the Democratic candidate for the Public Regulatory Commission in the Southern District. He will win. He also serves as Chair of the State Fair Commission.

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