And who can blame them? If you wrote a novel about this it would get one star ratings on Amazon because no one would find it believable. But, truth is stranger than fiction.
And now we find out this recently APS deputy Superintendent Jason Martinez had even more problems that charges of sexual predation against children. They include domestic violence and assault with a deadly weapon causing injury. The DA in Denver is thinking of revoking his bonds and throwing him in the slammer. But first New Mexico AG Hector Balderas is being quick to say he needs to do an investigation too.
And of course the School Board is stretching out the agony of whether to fire the new Superintendent Luis Valentino. They won't meet about it until next Thursday after a five hour Sunday meeting. Odds are that he will resign by the since I am pretty sure he doesn't want to be seen in public....ever again. Meanwhile teachers have to by their own school supplies.
Don't worry, Hector is coming to the rescue (sarcasm). Hector hasn't held anyone in Tasergate accountable and it has been months since he was handed three investigations all pointing to corruption.
Hector Balderas = Gary King
Nothing changes in New Mexico.
I refuse to bow to cynism so I stil have hope for our state. But, with that said, Heather should go to jail as the war profiter she is. She's long gone to S.D. while her spouse, Jay Hone, won't disclose settlement agreements while making big bucks with the State of NM. Just like St. Peter her mentor.
Valentino needs to go! The school board looks pathetic. He's been superintendent for less than 2 months and has already caused a complete lack of trust to say the least. How can Valentino not face criminal charges for stalling the the background check and letting him on the payroll? Maybe Hector can think of something that way. Just like Jim Lane's past in Kentucky; another high paid criminal is put in charge, the person who blows the whistle is out on leave for disclosing the kickback and the HR director was smart enough to see where this train wreck was going to get out in front.
I would like to see the Ray & Associates background check on Valentino. Other comments have said Valentino hired the person who did the vetting for him with Ray & Assc. at $170k. Maybe Valentino will end up in jail. He caught the governor's fleas.
Heather Wilson is a grasping, conniving serial-opportunist, who long ago bewitched Pete Domenici....her mentor & patron.
She should be forced to refund all monies, and be put on "federal debarment", in any position with any institution (i.e. SDSM) receiving federal funds of any kind.
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