Sunday, December 31, 2006
Karly and Justin
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Snow Beagle
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Days of Future Passed
They were traveling between Pagosa Springs and Phoenix and decided we should have lunch. We have occasionally stayed in touch with them over the years and it is always great to see them.
We went to Dos Amigos for lunch and talked about our growing up in Albuquerque's mid heights in the 1950's. Actually, we mostly talked about all of our near death adventures. Thinking back, it is a wonder any of us ever survived. Some of the stuff we did was really stupid but we always escaped with our limbs still attached.
We met Bobby and Billy in 1952 on the day the moved into their house about a block and a half from ours on Quincy street. Their dad was a juvenile probation officer who died suddenly in 1958 from a severe stroke. Bob and Bill moved to Phoenix with their mom about three years later. Bob worked for the Bureau of Reclamation and started his own swimming pool construction company. Bill had a long career as a banker in Phoenix. They are both still working in their retirement years.
It is great to still have contact with such old friends. They were there during our formative years and thinking back I can say we had a great childhood where we reveled in simple things that were available to us to keep us occupied. Long bike rides, building underground forts, riding the escalators at the Fedway Department store downtown, hanging dummies from streetlamps, playing football in the street, and watching Victory at Sea on Sunday nights on Television. We somehow stayed busy and our parents raised kids that pretty much stayed out of trouble. What more can you ask for?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Land Office and Cattle Farts
Yes, there is nothing I like better than my once a week Sirloin Tip steak(from Costco--the best in town), but some of the statistics in this report are truly staggering. It really brings into doubt the wisdom of burning trees, which scrub green house gases from the atmosphere to make more grazing land available for fart generation.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Power Plants

So, where is the public involvement in this? Is it a good idea to burn forests to create electricity and more grazing land for land office lessees? Those forests thickened up because of overgrazing in the first place. Who decides which trees and how many to take down. I understand it is the individual ranchers who will do so. Do they have any guidelines or scientific advice on how to do this?

Don't hold your breath. This land is going to auction three days after Christmas.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Pass These Reforms
Governor Richardson Outlines Ethics Reform Package, Calls for Creation of Independent Ethics Commission
“New Mexicans expect a government that’s honest and honorable,” said Governor Richardson. “Holding the highest ethical standards is our responsibility as public servants. It’s also the best, and only way, we can protect the public’s faith in their democracy.”
Governor Richardson urged citizens and members of the business community to help push for ethics reform. In May of 2006, Governor Richardson formed an ethics reform task force to conduct a bi-partisan review of ethics and campaign finance in
- Establish an independent ethics commission. This commission would provide independent oversight of the executive and legislative branches and all state employees. It would receive and investigate complaints by concerned citizens and whistleblowers. The commission would also have strong powers to investigate and discipline, including the ability to fine, censure, and reprimand public officials, state employees, lobbyists, contractors and officials.
- Limits on Gifts. The Governor proposed that no state official, employee or candidate be allowed to receive a gift greater than $250. During the legislative session there would be a ban on gifts greater than $100. There would be criminal penalties for those who break the law.
- Set campaign contribution limits. The Governor proposes that statewide races match the federal level of $2,100 per individual, per election. His package will also recommend $1,050 limits for PRC and District races, and a ban on cash of more than $100 from one person.
- “Clean Elections” Public Financing. The Governor’s ethics reform package proposes a phased approach toward public financing beginning with judicial elections, based on the successful Public Regulatory Commission campaign system. Using the PRC model, candidates in contested judicial elections could choose to run as a “Clean Elections” candidate. These candidates would qualify for public financing if they meet a threshold based upon the number of $5 contributions they receive from individuals. If the opposition opts out of the public system and spends more than public funding provides, “Clean elections” candidates would be given matching funds.
- Better campaign reporting. This package calls for more detailed reporting of campaign finances, more frequent reporting in non-election years, and cumulative totals of campaign contributions by each individual to each candidate.
- Amend Governmental Conduct Act. The amendments will help prevent public officials and employees from abusing public office. These amendments will expand coverage of the Governmental Conduct Act to include all public servants, including judges.
“These proposals will allow New Mexicans to know where campaign money comes from, where it goes, and how it’s spent,” said Governor Richardson. “This is not an issue that affects the few. Every citizen benefits from a government that is open, transparent and accountable. And every citizen is harmed by one that is not.”
The Governor pushed for a strong anti-corruption package in the 2006 Legislature. “Last year we had some success,” said Governor Richardson. “We were able to pass a ban on campaign contributions from contractors seeking to do business with the state. But, the remainder of the package, died in the Legislature. This time, there are no excuses. This time, reform must be done.”
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mt. Hood and Iraq
Three cocky guys decide to climb a treacherous Mount Hood in December. bush, rumsfeld and cheney decide to invade Iraq with its treacherous Shiite and Sunni factions awaiting them. The climbers reach their goal, the summit, and then have trouble extricating themselves from there. bush, rumsfeld and cheney capture Bagdad and have trouble extricating themselves from there.
Huge sums of money are being spent to look for the climbers on the mountain. Huge sums of money are being spent trying to rescue the flawed invasion from total disaster and civil war.
The money to pay for the attempted Mount Hood rescue will come from the families of the climbers, leaving them in debt for a long time. The money to pay for the Iraq war will come from the nation's families leaving them and the country in a deficit for a long time. (Unless your family is filthy rich and your bush tax reductions keep you safe)
Most likely, all the climbers are dead after their careless attempt to conquer Mt. Hood in winter. Most likely the death toll for Americans and Iraqis will continue to increase after the careless invasion with no planning for the aftermath.
Of course, the big difference here is that the climbers pay with their lives and bush, cheney and rumsfeld just walk away shrugging their shoulders.
Friday, December 15, 2006

I know I am constantly on this global warming thing but everyone should read this from the New York Times today. It really is time for some radical actions on dealing with this, but I am not holding my breath. Why are we talking about more coal fired plants, tar sands, or any energy source that pumps greenhouse gasses into the air? Inertia and profits are the answer and a campaign finance system that caters to it.
Yesterday there was another complex story in the Times about putting economic values on the cost to future generations of not doing something to fix this. It is about the “social rate of time discount,” the rate used to compare the well-being of future generations to the well-being of those alive today. As I said, this is complex stuff so we really need a President who understands it after the next election.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
T or C Classroom
I remember my days in our sophomore civics class at St. Pius X High

During the second part of the course Father Cushing dismantled everything we had been told during our indoctrination. He assinged us a book to read, George Orwell's "1984". It was a breathtaking class experience that taught us the danger of totalitarianism and government thought control.
Yes, we were in a private school and we could do things like that. But the object was to teach us to think and the class was one of the best I ever experienced in that catholic high school. It is frightening that kind of thinking and learning experience doesn't work in the T of C schools or maybe any of our public schools these days. The kids will be the losers after the lawyers and bureucrats finish with this. This might be the totalitarianism and thought control we learned about.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Daytime TV Commercials

I guess this is what us baby boomers can expect on TV from here on out. Of course we can just decide not to watch commerical TV. I only really watch a few network shows. Battlestar Gallactica, Boston Legal, Invasion(if it ever comes back), and some of the SCI-FI channels mini series. I started watching the Lost Room last night and it looks to be pretty good. And, I record them all and skip through the commercials. That turns a one hour show into 40 minutes. A time saver.
Mostly I watch HBO and Showtime miniseries because they are really entertaining and thought provoking. Like Showtime's Dexter. It is about a likeable serial killer who only takes out bad guys.....slowly.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Pete's Raid and Land Office Musing
In the meantime we are repeatedly hearing about the US Interior Department's inability to collect royalties that are already owed to the government. Hundreds of millions, or even billions, may be lost to puny auditing by the Feds. This is costing New Mexico a bundle too.
Now, one has to wonder if the Legislative Finance Committee might look into New Mexico's oil and gas royalty collections. Are they being honest with us. During the campaign for Land Commissioner I heard from some producers that there might be problems in that area as well as the 'unitizing' of state oil and gas leases. This would protect companies from having to relinquish their leases because their ten years for producing the leases had lapsed. If they weren't unitized then the land office would put then out for bid again and get bonus income. This little process would save the companies a bundle and cost the land office just as much.
Friday, December 08, 2006
I hope he does announce soon so I can get to work for him. There will be a few New Mexicans who will be negative about him running, but overall I think most of us will be proud that one of our own is going for the big one. As I write this I am watching TV and see that the AP/Ipsos poll now has bush at an all time low for his job approval. Just 27% feel he is doing a good job. My question is, how can they possibly believe that?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Woman in 8C

It never fails. Last Friday I headed to Salt Lake City for 24 hours of meetings with the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. I was seated in 5D on a regional jet. They Lady in 8C was sneezing and coughing with out the aid of a handkerchief. I got back on Saturday and then left again early Monday morning for the Wyss Foundation Meeting in Tucson. Of course the oncoming cold was just making itself felt and it blewup big time early Tuesday morning. It just seems that you can't defend yourself against inconsiderate people like that lady. Yes, I took Airborne and Eachanacia but they didn't work to well.
Talk about inconsiderate the TSA in Albuquerque ranks up there too. After carefully assuring that my travel pack contained no containers with more than 3 ounces of liquid I was pulled out of line and told that I would have to go and buy a plastic bag to separate then from my travel pack. The line was long, I was upset and just marveled at the hassle. I was getting ready to 'donate' all of my stuff to the trash can so I could catch my plane when a level headed supervisor showed up and pulled a little bag out of his pocket. I thanked him, but then found out my travel companion who showed up a little earlier had to trash all of his 3oz bottles of stuff. I then noticed that in Salt Lake City and Tucson that there were a supply of plastic bags for people who didn't have them. Why not in Albuquerque? Who knows with the TSA.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Oil and Gas Royalties
I am off to a Wyss Foundation meeting in Tucson for a couple of days. Bobbi and Noelle will show up there this afternoon from Phoenix where they spent the weekend together and we will attend the always fun dinner tonight.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Board Meetings
The issues we work with on these Boards won't get necessarily easier to work through congress, but at least the new committee chairs will listen to us. Over the past six years all we have had to rely on was court rulings to delay destructive bush policies. Now, we might even get some land protection bills passed a couple of years from now.
I have the sinking feeling that all the work we do on Wilderness and other land protection won't mean anything in 20 years if we don't get serious about climate change. I am going to devote more of my time to that issue over the next couple of years.