I decided to try and remember some random good things. So here are a few.

I remember my grandfather and grand mother Delfin and Lenore Baca. This is their wedding picture taken in 1913. They were such good people and they lived in Pena Blanca. My grandfather was incredibly generous. When he had a good apple crop he generally gave his money away to those who needed help.

I remember my big sister Carlota always bossing my twin brother Tom and me around. We gave her so much crap that I am surprised she talks to us anymore. She still gets a little critical of us. I guess that is a big sisters job. This picture pretty much protrays her attitude towards us.
I remember the joys and stamina required of Bobbi and me in raising our children Justin and Noelle. They have both turned out so well. 23 year old Noelle works for Intel and Justin gets his Masters in Public Administration at Syracuse University in June. He has accepted a job with the Solar Energy Industry Association in Washington, DC starting in July.

I remember our parents Fermin and Dixie who worked hard to provide for us.They divorced after we all graduated High School.
I remember our joy at my brother surviving mortal combat as a helicopter pilot to return home to his family after two tours in Vietnam.
I look forward next year to remembering that the most evil and incompetent administration ever to lead our country will be out of office.
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