On Saturday night we went to the performance of the Yjastros Flamenco company at the Hispanic Cultural Center. It was a great show in front of a sold out house. This is a great asset for our city and
deserves support.
Prior to the show Bobbi and I went to get munchies and wine and the St. Claire Bistro on Rio Grande Blvd. The place was packed and we sat at the bar. After a while a well known and respected guy came up to me and asked if we could move over a bit so he and his wife could sit with us.
I can't identify him except to say he runs a major government institution with thousands of employees and tens of millions in revenues. He told me a story that I found hard to believe. His duties require him to attend the legislative sessions. And for 8 weeks he attempted to meet with Governor Martinez. For eight weeks he was denied such a meeting. No matter how hard he tried he could not get in. His crime? He is a democrat and worked with Governor Richardson on many issues concerning his institution.
First, for any governor such a meeting should be welcome. Second, this shows a new and unmatched brand of partisanship based primarily on political parties but also on who your friends are. I have heard repeatedly that if you are a democrat you don't get in to see the Gov. If you are any one, including republicans, who had a working relationship with Governor Richardson, you don't get in. I think this is an unprecedented show of immaturity for a governor in our state.
I have worked for more than one governor, all democrats. I have served as a statewide elected official, State Land Commissioner, and worked with governors. Never, ever, have I seen access to a governor ruled by such hubris. Our other governors, including republicans Garrey Carruthers and Gary Johnson would not often agree with democrats, but their doors were usually open for discussion. But the Martinez adminstration, which is being run by neocon right wing campaign functionaries, are setting up the hapless governor for a failed tenure. If she has leadership abilities and vision we will never know. Not if this keeps up.