Saturday, September 16, 2017


I was sitting behind a NM Game and Fish truck at a traffic light the other day.  It had a bumper sticker that said something to the effect of "Teach your children to hunt, fish and trap."

The hunting and fishing part don't bother me much.  The trapping is absolutely barbaric.  The use of leg hold traps fostered by the Governor and her handpicked right wing Game and Fish Commission is horrendous.  Why would anyone want to encourage their children to cause long painful deaths of New Mexico's Wildlife?

I frankly find the judgement of the Game and Fish Director to be poor.  To allow such a slogan on all of their trucks is pretty stupid.  They have stated on their website that they are looking for a new generation of Game and Fish Officers.  If they continue this trapping policy then only psychopaths need apply.

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