Puerto Vallarta is like many Mexican cities we have visited. The streets are narrow and the space is used everywhere. It is like wrestling in some ways, every thing crammed together looking for an advantage.

We spotted these wrestling masks off the
Malecon in the flea market. The interesting thing about this town is that it is a young town. Up until the famous movie ´Night of the I
guana¨there was not much here. Rodger Be
imer and I figured out we are 60% of the age of this place.
Now, I marvel at the amount of concrete that is set here everyday in the large hotel and condo developments north of the city. Bobbi and I are actually thinking of buying part of one of these condos down here, but I
truly worry about the effects of global warming in places like this. It is approaching Thanksgiving and it is still very hot here. Even the real estate guys admit it. The ocean water in the Bay of Ba
nderas is warm as bath water and to really cool off you need to jump in a swimming pool.
I was thrilled today to see that Senator Bi
ngaman and others have sent a letter to bush saying that they are serious about the Congress enacting real global warming legislation. Lets hope it is
not too late. While here, I have been reading a book, ¨
Transcendence ¨by one of my favorite scif
i authors, Stephen Baxter. The novel is set in two different times. One in 2040, and the other 500,000 years in the future. It describes in numbing detail what we can expect from global warming. Read it if you get the chance.