Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I am going out to Estancia today to sit in on an air quality hearing concerning the harebrained idea for a power plant that will burn Pinon trees as fuel. It is being heralded as a 'biomass' and renewable energy source. I always feel that when something seems ridiculous that it probably is. This is one of those times. Think of it. Years of overgrazing lead to an explosion of the Pinon-Juniper forests in Torrance County and now as a favor for irresponsibility the State Land Office has decided this is a good way to clear the land for more grazing.

No doubt, there could be some thinning done, especially of the prolific Juniper trees, but to cut down Pinon trees that produce cash crops of nuts is crazy. Also, as I understand it the decisions on where and how many of the trees are to be cut will be made by the grazing lessee.

Stay tuned.

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