Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Guv Hits a Home Run

Governor Richardson is doing something today that you won't see many other Governors, Senators or Congressmen doing. He is sticking his neck out.....a long way.

Richardson is calling for more hearings to be held on the proposed Desert Rock coal fired power plant on the Navajo Reservation near Burnham. Even though Richardson does not have jurisdiction over the site he has asked that more testimony be taken in Albuquerque and Santa Fe on the draft environmental impact statement for the plant. That plant will increase New Mexico's emissions of green house gases by 15% if it is built. The Governor is showing courage because this could cost him political support in some circles in the Navajo Nation. He is representing the interests of the whole state here.

Navajo Leaders are pushing to have the plant built, although there is growing opposition by tribal members who have been camped out at the site for months. Certainly, this anachronism of a plant will have an impact on the whole state and Richardson is doing exactly the right thing.

I hope some of the recent whiners who feel the Governor isn't radical enough on clean or renewable energy will take notice.

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