One of the biggest winners in Tuesday's Primary election was the
Conservation Voters of New Mexico (CVNM) group. This political group which operates under a
501C-4 status with the IRS endorsed 16 candidates. Twelve of them won, including Eric Griego over James Taylor for the Senate seat in the South Valley, Tim Keller over Shannon Robinson for the Senate seat in the Southeast Heights, and Eleanor Chavez over Westside Representative Dan Silva. All of these candidates who lost had decades of seniority. They all had also turned to the dark side by accepting huge amounts of money from the NRA, oil and gas, mining, real estate interests to the detriment of their constituents.

CVNM is ably run by Sandy Buffet and they are now going to be recognized as a savvy and effective group. Their mission statement says, "Our mission is to make sensible conservation policies a top priority for elected officials, political candidates, and voters across the state."
Good for them. Send them a check to keep up the good work.
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