There seems to be a media frenzy over the fact that a lot of extra paper ballots were printed and then discarded by the
Bernalillo County Clerk last week. I really don't care if so many extra ballots were printed as long as people got to vote and the votes were counted in an efficient, timely and honest way. County Clerk Maggie Toulouse did just that. The absentee ballots were counted by 8PM and the whole process was finished by 11PM. A record that will be hard to beat.
She was following guidelines set by the Secretary of State for printing of ballots. Some in the media thought it was a big waste and perhaps the SOS did a poor job of projecting what was needed, but this really was a good vote counting process, the first in many years, and Toulouse and her staff deserve a pat on the back.
I had a similar reaction to the Journal article. In a year when GOP candidates' chances don't look good, there will be greater GOP voter suppression efforts and the Journal article is one example of trying to subtly or not so subtly limit registered voters’ chances of casting their ballots. I’m expecting to see a bigger disenfranchisement push in swing states.
Maggie did a great job and offered a much needed improvement.
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