I couldn't think of a better way starting 2006 than driving over to Pena Blanca and looking around. I took this rustic looking picture that says a lot to me about northern New Mexico. These are incredible landscapes we have here in the Land of Enchantment. We would be fools not to save this enchantment.
We went to a nice party last night and stayed for about an hour. I ran into a former state senator who was complaining about the state of New Mexico partnering with Richard Branson and Virgin Galactic to build a commercial spaceport in southern New Mexico. I am so glad this senator is no longer in office. The ex politico could only whine about the state wasting money. That kind of attitude is why we are where we are in economic development in the state. Governor Richardson is the first visionary hard charging Governor we have had in my recollection and this kind of project is exactly what we should be doing. Movie making, venture investing, environmental protection, tourism, and many other things have been doing very well here thanks to Richardson's different style and promotion of the state and, yes, himself. I think it is great, espcially since his critics can only whine about his traveling too much and buying a jet for the state. That is about all they can do to puff themselves up. Hilarious really!
Here is a website you must bookmark and sign into for few weeks to read about great thinker's dangerous ideas. I read the first two and have to admit I didn't quite get them, but later on some of these are really mind boggling. I will try and read all of them over the next month. Here is a great excerpt from one entry.
What if a future scientific understanding of time would show all previous pictures to be wrong, and demonstrate that past and future and even the present do not exist? That stories woven around our individual personal history and future are all just wrong? Now that would be a dangerous idea.
Piet Hut-Professor of Astrophysics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University

Finally, here are Athena and Beagle who were inside when the automatic weapons fire started at midnight. It sounded like Bagdad in the valley with thousands of pistol, rifle and automatic assault weapon's bullets being launched into the air over thousands of residents. How can people be so stupid! Hopefully, no one was hurt this year.
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