The first time I ran for Land Commissioner you needed over 10,000 signatures with at least ten counties in the state having sent signatures. The number needed now is only about three thousand with no county quota, but I contend they are harder to get. The reason is that given what is going on in this country people are loathe to do any thing remotely identified with the election process. Fewer people are voting and fewer people are willing to do anything active. Of course there are the really committed folks who will always help, but all in all this is a difficult process. It is hard to find volunteers to do this work because they can be badly treated and verbally abused by people they approach. I have always felt gathering signatures is the hardest thing to do in a campaign. These days you also have to rely on paid signature gatherers to help take up the slack.
We have five weeks to go before filing date and if some bedraggled volunteer or paid signature gatherer comes your way, please just smile at them and say thanks for being involved.
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