This weekend my daughter has ordered me to Phoenix (Thank Heavens for Southwest Airlines) to assist her in buying a new small Honda Civic or Toyota Scion. She wants good mileage. First and foremost and wise for a 21 year old. I will go armed with all of the Consumer Report stuff and pricing reports.
Today it was announced that Toyota has surpassed Ford and is now the #2 car maker in America. Read it here.
Now switch over to an excellent editorial out of the Santa Fe New Mexican about our nation's leader's bait and switch game on new oil and gas development in the Gulf of Mexico. Senator Domenici wants this done so bad he will give all the revenues from the federally owned resources to just four states so their Senators and Congressmen will vote for this drilling program. Maybe, at the same time, he could even the playing field by giving all of New Mexico's federally owned oil and gas revenues to our state. We get about half right now, which is traditional.
Now, think about the Middle East and all the oil that may never get here in the not to distant future. At the same time think about the national leadership's refusal to up mileage standards in cars because of a few special interests in Michigan who think they should be able to sell gas hogs forever, or at least until they are run out of business by Toyota and Honda.
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