Saturday, September 02, 2006

Solar Sucker Punch

Here is the link to the Albuquerque Journal story on the Solar Sucker Punch given to Commissioner Pat Lyons and the State Land Office.

Just think of the damage that might have been done to the state if this deal had progressed past today's story. (Look at Lyons news release about this deal here.) These con men Lyons hooked up with were going to use the good faith and credit of the Land Office to scam innocent investors in this solar plant. It will take a long time to get the Lyon's team reputation back in order after this massive failure of due diligence. Are there any MBA's working at the land office?

If the Lyons and his team had such a lack of business sense on this $1.5 Billion deal, what have they done about the other 350 business leases they have signed since taking office? Maybe the State Auditor should take a look to see if there are any more of these kinds of deals that have been made. Lyons is always saying the reason he has received so much money for his campaign from those who have leases with the land office is because he is business friendly. Well, friendly doesn't begin to describe this kind of performance.

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