First, Robert Vigil throws in the towel. Yesterday I had my agency budget hearing at the Legislative Finance Committee. I walked into the committee room and witnessed people and press milling around. Unusual for budget hearings I thought! Oops, wrong room. It was the Vigil impeachment hearings. This was about 1:45PM. The committee was getting ready to wind up again and after some gossip with some folks who were wondering why Vigil hadn't just resigned, I left. I think they were still meeting when the resignation occurred. I don't know why Vigil waited so long to do it. I am glad he did finally resign. The only thing he really accomplished was keeping his attorney Sam Bregman in the news and indicted former State Treasurer Michael Montoya out of the news. The amount of money he allegedly got away with makes Vigil look like a minor player.
Then we have the stimulating build up to Washington's version of Wheel of Fortune. Spin the wheel and see who gets indicted on the political outing of a CIA agent. The spin machine is in need of lubrication for this one because I don't think the White House line of "criminalization of politics" is going to work at all. And then this morning the meltdown of bush's Harriet Miers nomination concluded. I am so high. This is the best of times. I bet Joe Monahan is having a stroke! Now we get to watch the whole Supreme Court nomination process repeat itself. Any bets they will make that announcement as soon as tomorrow to coincide with possible indictments?
The only 'criminalization of politics' I recognize is the election of all these criminals to political office. I didn't vote for these guys. (Oops....come to think of it, I probably did vote for Vigil.) Anyway, it seems like months go by these days before we find true inspiration and clarity from a public figure. Last month it was Clinton on "This Week". Today it was Fitzgerald at the press conference. What a breath of fresh air this guy is.
What better way to discredit bad ideas than to see them put into action and watch them fail. These crooks and cronies have had the run of the capitol for four years now, and look what they have to show for it. Would any of them dare ask if this country is better off now than it was in 2000? If the Dems had had more success the last four years, there might be some doubt about who to blame for the obvious answer.
This is some of the best writing I've seen. Jim, you haven't hit your peak yet.
Anyone who has to pay a price for cheating people shouldn't complain when the truth is out.
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