Mostly though, I am astonished that Robert Vigil and his mouthpiece Sam Bregman continue to trump the news on the President's and Vice President's chief aides facing indictment.
I wonder what people think about Rove and Libby's involvement in outing a spy at the CIA for political purposes? Do our citizens in Albuquerque really believe that the Vigil story is more important to them than this breakdown in our national leadership? Probably, the Editors at the Journal are doing their job in being a local news provider, but still you have to wonder if the Vigil story really out ranks the bush and cheney's predicament.
An interesting note!
I put a sitemeter on my blog because my ego was really yearning to know how many people are reading this drivel. It actually is surprizing the number of hits I am getting. The only thing I will say is that there are over a thousand a week.
One of the features of this sitemeter is being able to see who is on line at any time. You don't know the individual, but you do see what domain they are coming out of. I actually get a large amount of hits from state and local government. But there is one that opened my eyes quickly.

Okay, that was dumb. Conspiracy theory to the max.
1 comment:
It doesn't take much imagination to consider the automated collection of dossiers on on thousands (or millions) of citizens from a paranoid administration. These dossiers could be reviewed at a later date in the envent of a "national emergency" to accumulate "watch list" of unpatriotic elements. The technical capabilities and, I believe, police state mentality is so far beyond "1984" that we would truly be surprised at what is possible.
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