Monday, July 31, 2006
Water and Moon Mountain
Friday, July 28, 2006
Just What You Would Expect
I always wake up early when I return from the Eastern part of the country because I get on their time zone clock and then come back and stay on it for a few days. It makes me get up earlier and be more productive. I read in the Journal's business pages this morning that Exxon Mobile net profit last quarter was $10 billion. In one quarter! Then a little bit later I get some really good stuff from a friend of mine in Washington that will interest all of you. He is an expert on Energy in the west. This report is from the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. The report was just issued.
“Although it is difficult to quantify the effect of speculation on prices, there is substantial evidence that the large amount of speculation in the current market has significantly increased prices. Several analysts have estimated that speculative purchases of oil futures have added as much as $20-$25 per barrel to the current price of crude oil, thereby pushing up the price of oil from $50 to approximately $70 per barrel. Additionally, by purchasing large numbers of futures contracts, and hereby pushing up futures prices to even higher levels than current prices, speculators have provided a financial incentive for oil companies to buy even more oil and place it in storage. A refiner will purchase extra oil today, even if it costs $70 per barrel, if the futures price is even higher.
“As a result, over the past two years crude oil inventories have been steadily growing, resulting in
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
News Items
This next one is good too. While I am anything but elitist, I most certainly am an environmentally minded public servant. I am proud of this one.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Teachers in the Oil Patch

I will be hitting the road tomorrow for Washington, DC for some of my volunteer work and some fundraising for the campaign. Wish me luck on that fund raising cause I need a heck of a lot more money to counter the oil and gas industry's support of Pat Lyons. Please send money to me by going to my website at
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I got to thinking about New York's crumbling electrical grid and our current war of choice in Iraq. As war costs approach a half trillion dollars think how some of that money could have been used to repair America's infrastructure. War produces nothing but death and expensive explosions. This war has done nothing for building roads, schools, clean water supplies and energy efficiency. It has made some defense industry corporations bottom lines look good.

Also, we found out, as you can see from this picture, that the Land Office spent over half a million dollars for thinning of the forests on Moon Mountain. The money was mostly federal funds. What wasn't mentioned in a good Albuquerque Sunday Journal article was that the only land that was thinned to reduce fire danger was the land that could support development and was later put up for sale. That is expensive prep work done at taxpayer expense for Lyons' developer of choice.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Ruidoso Trip

We left early this morning for Ruidoso with a short drive by of the Plaza in Socorro. I have always liked that Gazebo and my little pickup truck looked good there.

Then I went by one of my favorite places to check up on it. The Maintenance Department for Socorro County. I always want to check to see if it has had any maintenance. So far, I dont think so.

Finally, this picture is from the going away party for Jessie Keefe and Jeff Hunt. They have moved to Hawaii. Jessie did a great job as my campaign manager during the primary election. We are all going to miss them.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Stem Cell
I hope everyone who has loved ones who are suffering debilitating and fatal diseases will remember this one vote. It should not be a reason by itself to vote Pete out of office, but when you add it to his undying support for the administration's war and fiscal stands, we should think about his re-election bid in a critical light.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My opponent Patrick Lyons received $20,000 from this fiasco. Click on this link to get to a map and then click on the counties to see who picked up money for their cows. Click here for farm giveaways. Some of the amounts are astonishing. I wish I had a chance to compare them to Patrick Lyons' donor base. Maybe someone out there would like to do it? Like an enterprising investigative reporter.
Don't assume that I think all subsidies are bad. Real natural disasters are legitimate reasons for relief to agriculture. Also, subsidies that enable water conservation, wildlife protection, watershed protection and riparian protection then it is probably good.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Money Trail
Real Estate and Developers--$119,000
Ranching, Dairy, Agriculture--$175,000
To keep the record straight, I have recieved $1,000 from an oil and gas refiner and $10,000 from planned community developers.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Dendahl Lays an Egg--Grade AA Extra Large

Here is what Republican Governor Candidate John Dendahl said on the radio about weak DWI laws and the legislature's alleged failure at passing stronger laws.
Well here is a note from me to Dendahl. I am quite sure that my son and daughter, both Bacas, have never been arrested for DWI. Nor have I ever been arrested, or my brother Tom, nor my sister Carlota, nor my late father Fermin, nor my uncle Jaime, nor my Aunt Pelta, nor my grandfather Delfin, nor my grandmother Lenore. Now, that is a lot of 'spanish named' people that have never been arrested for DWI, and that is just in my immediate family.
I also wonder what would have happened if Bill Richardson had said, "the Legislature understands that statistically ... too many people who are repeat offenders happen to have Anglo last names." Do you think that story would have been relegated to the back pages of the news media? I don't think so. This story is probably far from over.
I would invite the readers to add a comment on this blog to name all the people they know with 'Spanish Names' that have not been arrested for DWI. Also, write a note to the State GOP asking them "WTF?" Email it to
Friday, July 14, 2006
Lunch Bet
I am so fed up with this Middle East Culture of war. Everybody I talk to is fed up with it too. My first memories of problems in that region come from about 1954. That makes it a 50 year long war so far.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Who Owns the Land Office and the West?

This is a website you all should visit and study. It will give you a good overview of who owns the oil and gas leases in the Western United States and on New Mexico's Otero Mesa. Browse around it a little bit and then take a look at the contributions to this Land Commissioner race that I am in at this site.
A lot of the people on the first website are giving a lot of money to my opponent as you can see on the second website. I will be publishing some pretty good facts on this and you will be astonished.
This will help you understand the money I am up against in this race. I have recieved no contributions from oil and gas companies. I figure my opponent has recieved at least a majority of his money from this one group that does business at the Land Office. This is unprecedented. The other contributions, or most of it, comes from other groups that do business at the Land Office.
Elections for State Land Commissioner in New Mexico cry for public financing. If I am successful in fighting off this oil and gas money I will seek public finanicing for this elected position.
I would however be happy to get a contribution from you. You make one online at
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Front Page
I had coffee this morning with a long time friend who is an immigrant and naturalized citizen. He has been a great public servant and I respect him a lot. He said, "This country is at a low point and our stature is getting worse every day in the eyes of the world. I would consider returning to Europe if I didn't have family here."
I was suprised to hear this and saddened. I know he loves this country but his frustration is understandable. He can not understand why more people are not outraged and protesting in the streets over this war in Iraq. He is really concerned that students have 'checked out' on dissent.
This is where our media comes into play. Maybe the war, since it is four years old, doesn't sell many ads, but I strongly believe this international news belongs on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal and not just the New York Times. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford subscriptions to both papers, but not many can. The NYT costs me $48 a month!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Water Water
The most important subject at the meeting today was water. That is what is on everyone's minds and we spent the better part of our candidate forum talking about water. One of the big concerns of the farmers, ranchers and government workers at the conference was the continued impact of sprawl on the watersheds. If you get a chance to fly into the Ruidoso area you can see why they are concerned. Looking out of our Beechcraft's windows you can see the sprawl starting fifteen miles from Ruidoso. I was astonished. Was water planning a part of this development? I wouldn't bet the farm on it! Or maybe I will have to!
Then, I get home and find the Albuquerque Journal story on the State Water Engineers Office being criticized for hiring more attorneys on contract to handle the work load revolving around water issues. They have spent about $5 million in the last year. That seems like nothing to me given the magnitude of the water litigation and permitting that is taking up their time. That amount of money wouldn't even fund the infrastructure for one small sized subdivision. What is the big deal about this? Think about this. Water is the preeminent issue in our state and some one is complaining about the small appropriations for our water agency. Maybe this is just "Wag the Dog."
Sunday, July 09, 2006
There Goes My Baby

Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Poll
I especially like the part about the public's trust on who better takes care of the environment.
To: Interested Parties
Re: Recent Poll Findings on NM Land Commissioner Race
A recent survey of likely voters in
Voters’ ratings of
Finally, in a state that is closely divided in terms of partisanship, the office of Land Commissioner is a rare exception where voters are more likely to defer to a Democrat. When asked which Party they trust more when it comes to protecting public lands and the environment, regardless of which candidate they are supporting in the race, 46 percent choose the Democratic Party compared to 29 percent who say the Republicans would do a better job. In a close race, Baca’s partisan advantage could help solidify his lead over
[1] Lake Research Partners designed and administered this survey, which was conducted by phone using professional interviewers. The survey reached 400 adults, 18 years or older, in
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My barber Gene Varoz has been cutting my hair for 35 years. I did a blog about him sometime back. Read it here. He is one of the best political pollsters I know. I always tell him his "barber poll" is one of the most accurate around. That is because he has over 500 clients and during his half hour with them they always end up talking about politics. So, he gets a good sense for what is going on in his clients heads. He said he has noticed lately that a lot of his clients who were big supporters of bush have stopped talking about him. They are still Republicans, but they aren't carrying the flag for the commander in chief like they used to.
That is probably good news for all of us running this year as Democrats. Of course, Gene's "barber poll" isn't scientifically sound any more than the polls you see me running on this blog. Scientific polls cost real money to put into the field. And, that is exactly what I spent money on last week with Lake Research Partners out of Washington, DC. They are very well respected and very accurate.
I had the poll conducted not so much to get a bottom line figure on my race against Pat Lyons, the only statewide Republican office holder, but to figure out where we go find votes after the volumes of data and demographics are digested. That is the real value of polling.
I will release my poll numbers in a few days. They seem to me to be very good, but smarter people will let me know what all the other stuff means. However, suffice it to say it is always good to be leading your opponent when he is an incumbent. Watch for the real numbers on Thursday or Friday.
I also polled the other races and I can honestly say all the Democrats are doing very well. The Governor's poll numbers show growing momentum after the Republicans threw out their elected candidate and replaced him with John Dendahl. Why am I not surprised?
Monday, July 03, 2006

Today the Albuquerque Journal had a story about a raid by officers on a local private club and gym. Read it here.
I thought it might be a routine bust until I read the story on the same incident in the Santa Fe New Mexican. Read it here.
If the New Mexican's account is accurate then this is an incredible case of overkill. Why on a simple liquor bust do you need men with semiautomatic weapons arresting patrons, cuffing them, putting them face down on the floor with firearms pointed at the backs of their heads?
This was a non violent case. If the club was selling liqour without a license then they broke the law and should face the consequences. That doesn't include what I described above.
If this has something to do with the fact that this was a 'gay' men's club then the government had better be sure that all of their 'bootlegging' cases have been handled the same way.
I have a feeling this story isn't over.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Sun Worshipper

Noelle is back from her five weeks in Malaga, Spain. She attended intensive Spanish lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, it appears every afternoon, she worshipped the Sun on the beach. She is as brown as I have ever seen her and yes she is well aware that too much Sun is not a good thing. That tan will probably disappear soon as she leaves for her new job with Intel in Chandler, Arizona next week. I understand they really work these young people hard after they recruit them, so she wont be getting much time for tanning there.
Noelle has a black Toyota CRV and I told her she could just leave her uncooked dinner in it every morning and it would be ready when she gets off work. I don't think Chandler has been under 100 degrees since May.