Sunday there was a story on the front page of the New York Times about how radio talk shows whipped up so much opposition to the immigration bill. Yes it was a flawed bill, but the reason it failed overall was a submerged racism in this country. Especially when it comes to immigrants that aren't white, or from south of our border. That is the way I feel anyway.
And there is another reason which one of my weekend coffee

buddies offers up. The right wing nut cases in this country see any immigrant being offered a path to citizenship as a potential Democrat or progressive voter. So, don't let them in and don't let them become voters. Actually, I would be willing to bet that any naturalized citizen in this country right now knows more about our government and its principles than most native born citizens. Our newly accepted citizens have to take a test to become one of us and therefore they are well versed in our Constitution and system of government. Maybe that is what scares
right wingers most, that these people would understand civil liberties and fight to protect them from the likes of bush and
1 comment:
The reactionary forces that oppose any kind of compromise on the "amnesty" issue sank it. To them, no bill means the situation stays the same: 12 million people who are below them on the social and economic ladder. Racism is certainly a part of this.
What bothers me is why Jeff Bingaman voted against the bill. His explanations that is wasn't good enough a solution just don't ring true. Any ideas?
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