I wonder what would happen if every illegal immigrant in the country were to go on a two week strike. It is sad that they can't afford to do it since so many of them have a hand to mouth existence and the care of their families comes first. I think if they did stop working that this country would be in big trouble. Food supplies, construction projects, dining out, landscaping care, housekeeping, health care and about a million other things would just not be tended too. Check out the movie
"A Day without a Mexican" when you get the chance.

And then there are the worst nightmares coming true with our new radical Supreme Court. I was telling my friend Ned yesterday that I hoped all of the Justices stay in good health for at least the next two years. If one of them dies then bush gets to put another right wing Christian fundamentalist on the court. I want the right wing justices to stay healthy for at least two years because if they die then another one will be appointed who will stay around longer. I hope you get my drift.
I think we need to stand back and look from a far vantage point at what is happening in our country. bush,
cheney, war, regressive supreme court decisions, religion in government, large deficits, public apathy and money soaked political campaigns are killing us.

So, to forget it all for a few hours this evening Bobbi and I will dine on buttered popcorn and diet coke while watching an
epochal movie about a rat who wants to be a chef. It might be the least surreal 2 hours of this week!
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