I had my annual physical exam today. Everything is still functioning and

I lost a little weight from last year, but not as much as I thought I would have. This cold of the last three weeks cut into my exercise pretty badly, and I sort of pigged out too. You know, feed a cold, starve a fever. I endured the prostrate exam and got a vaccination for
shingles. Dr. John
Baca said he has been seeing patients over 60 years of age with shingles about every two weeks. It is painful and can scar you. He said it is the old chicken pox virus that has been hanging out in us since we were kids, whether you ever contracted it or not. He highly recommends that everyone over sixty get the shot. So I did. He also brought out the liquid nitrogen and burned a thingy of my face.
Meanwhile, Justin and Noelle arrive home for a few days. It will be great to have them around. Summer days are here......for some reason I keep thinking back to when we were kids and one of the big events every summer day was the milkman delivering milk. He would always give us handfuls of ice from the truck. Lots of brain burns but refreshing.
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