Another trail leads to bush's lap from the devastation of New Orleans' poor and black communities. This can be construed as genocide, even if it were only 100% pure incompetence.

I personally do not think bush is a racist. I do think he is the most incompetent President this nation has ever had.
Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte
Has bush's sense of timing bottomed out yet? Today he said, "There are now two vacancies on the Supreme Court, and it will serve the best interests of the nation to fill those vacancies promptly," Mr. Bush said. "I will choose in a timely manner a highly qualified nominee to succeed Chief Justice Rehnquist."
Now, is this a good sense of timing? Urging quick action to get another right winger into the Supreme Court while bodies are still floating in the waters of the Gulf Coast?
Couldn't he have said, "we have many priorities in the gulf states right now and we will get to these other matters when we can." Has Rove had a stroke?
Read Frank Rich today. It is harsh but it is accurate.
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